Community IT Innovators Nonprofit Technology Topics

2024 Nonprofit Cybersecurity Incident Report pt 1

April 19, 2024 Community IT Innovators Season 5 Episode 15

Community IT CTO and cybersecurity expert Matt Eshleman delivers our report on trend lines and took questions live in this popular webinar.

In pt 1 we explore a systematic approach to cybersecurity for your nonprofit, talk about the big picture trends, take a couple of audience polls on what type of incidents are common, and demystify some lingo. In pt 2 Matt goes into the report data and pulls out new and disturbing attacks, and finishes up with the best ways to protect yourself, especially from Attacker-in-the-Middle MFA attacks.

Is your nonprofit prepared?

Drawn from anonymized data from the calendar year 2023 of cybersecurity incidents across end users in our small and mid-sized nonprofit clients, this report shows changes in attacks and emerging threats.

Using this real and timely data, Matt walks through recommendations and outlines the practical steps your organization can take to prevent the most frequent attacks.

He covers new threats and training best practices for your nonprofit staff around evolving cybersecurity issues, including AI-enabled scams, smishing, adversary-in-the-middle MFA attacks, fake in-person events phishing for credentials, and the return of popup malware, among other new and disturbing trends.

You may also be interested in downloading the free Cybersecurity Readiness for Nonprofits Playbook to review a framework for focusing on your cybersecurity fundamentals, or using any of our free cybersecurity webinars and podcasts to learn more about specific protections you can take.

As with all our webinars, this presentation is appropriate for an audience of varied IT experience.

Community IT is proudly vendor-agnostic and our webinars cover a range of topics and discussions. Webinars are never a sales pitch, always a way to share our knowledge with our community.

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Carolyn Woodard: Welcome everyone, to the Community IT Webinar, the 2024 Nonprofit Cybersecurity Incident Report with Matthew Eshleman. This is our 6th annual incident report, and a very popular webinar. Every spring, Matt studies the incidents that were reported at thousands of our client-users over the course of the year before, so in this case, 2023. He looks through and does analysis and determines the trends and changes that matter the most to nonprofit.

He’s going to cover 

  • best practices evolving around cybersecurity, 
  • AI enabled scams, 
  • smishing, 
  • adversary in the middle attacks, 
  • fake in-person event phishing, 
  • the return of pop up malware 
  • and a bunch of other new and disturbing trends.

My name is Carolyn Woodard. I’m the Outreach Director for Community IT. I’ll be the moderator today, and I’m very happy to hear from our cybersecurity expert, Matt. 

Learning Objectives

At the end of the day, we hope that you will have learned 

  • our basic approach to cybersecurity,
  • the trends in the attacks and the 
  • organization protections that we saw in 2023, 
  • understand evolving security best practices, 
  • and learn the role of governance policies and training in protecting your nonprofit from these common scams.

So, Matt, would you like to introduce yourself?

Matthew Eshleman: Great. Well, thanks for that introduction, Carolyn. And, yes, I am looking forward to the webinar today. As Carolyn mentioned, this is our 6th Annual Nonprofit Cybersecurity Incident Report, something that I created over six years ago. 

I’ve been at Community IT and involved in the nonprofit tech sector for over 20 years and initiated this Nonprofit Cybersecurity Incident Report as a way to provide information that’s specific to the sector and the threats that are facing our nonprofit clients.

Carolyn Woodard: If you’re not familiar with Community IT, I wanted to tell you a little bit more about us. We are a 100% employee-owned managed services provider, and we provide outsourced IT support. We work exclusively with nonprofit organizations, and our mission is to help nonprofits accomplish their missions through the effective use of technology. So we are big fans of what well-managed IT can do for your nonprofit. And, of course, that includes cybersecurity.

We serve nonprofits across the United States. We’ve been doing this for over 20 years, and we are technology experts. We are consistently given the MSP 501 recognition for being a top MSP, and that’s an honor we received again in 2023. 

I want to remind everyone that for these presentations, Community IT is vendor agnostic. We only make recommendations to our clients and only based on their specific business needs. We never try to get a client into a product because we get an incentive or benefit from that. But we do consider ourselves a best-of-breed IT provider. It’s our job to know the landscape, know what tools are available, reputable, and widely used, and we make recommendations on that basis to our clients based on their business needs, priorities, and budgets. You’ll probably hear us mention several tools today, and there are many other tools that are out there.

Poll 1: Has your organization had a cyber incident in 2023?

There’s a lot of stigma around having an incident, and it’s something that happens a lot. 

Your options are:

  1. No, not that we know of. 
  2. Not sure. 
  3. Yes, but we discovered with time to mitigate the impact 
  4. Yes, and we suffered significant impact from that attack 
  5. Not applicable or other.

We’re not going to be able to see your names or that something happened at your organization. If you’re a little bit shy about putting that out there, I totally understand, but this is just a way to see how people are doing in general with being attacked. And, Matt, can you read the results?

Matthew Eshleman: Thanks to everyone for responding. 

It looks like the majority of folks (69%) said no, not that we know of, with another 8% saying that they are not sure that they had an attack. The folks that said, yes, we discovered it, but with time to mitigate the impact was about 20%, and then a very small portion said, yes, we suffered significant impact. A handful of folks said, not applicable and other. 

That’s good to see. Again, no organization is immune, right? Every organization would probably have some things maybe considered cybersecurity incidents, and we’ll actually talk about the definitions of what that is later on. 

Community IT Approach to Cybersecurity Basics

Carolyn Woodard: We wanted to start out, Matt, with our approach to cybersecurity and lay some of the groundwork of how we think about it and how we advise our clients to think about it.

Matthew Eshleman: Yeah, a little bit more about how we think about our approach to cybersecurity at Community IT. If you’ve been attending these over the years, you may notice that we’ve got a little bit of a refresh into what this looks like. 

But I’ll also say that the core concepts around cybersecurity haven’t really changed much since we developed this model over six years ago. 

Foundational concepts like rooting things in policy to provide guidance for technical solutions that can be built on top and adding in that layer of security awareness training so that we have staff who are educated and engaged about the very real risks that they face.

As most of the attacks that we see in this small to midsize nonprofit space that we work in, organizations that are between 15 to 50, maybe up to 200 or 300 staff, are really initiated by things as benign as clicking on a link in an email that they shouldn’t have, or being tricked into updating some payment information or buying gift cards, that kind of a thing. 

So rooting the controls in policy, having an engaged and informed staff, and then we move up into the range of technical solutions that are really put in place to monitor and protect and recover when something does happen. 

And then laying on top what we have called predictive intelligence, or perhaps AI driven tools. That’s certainly the buzzword now, and it’s relevant as these AI solutions are being incorporated into many of the tools that you already have or are looking at adopting.

So this model continues to provide a good framework for us as we talk about cybersecurity and building an effective cybersecurity protection plan at the organizations that we support and the organizations that are just looking for a way to figure out where to invest and what to focus on.

Carolyn Woodard: This graphic is in our Playbook for nonprofits on cybersecurity, which is a free download on our site. That download goes into more detail and action items as well as how you can manage cybersecurity at your nonprofit. 

Current Cybersecurity Landscape

Before we get to the analysis this year, can you tell us a little bit about the bigger picture of what we’re seeing in cybersecurity these days?

Matthew Eshleman: Yeah, it is helpful to understand the overall cybersecurity landscape that we all operate in. Something that I like to reiterate at any opportunity I have is that cybersecurity risk really impacts every organization. Your organization is not too small or your mission is not too good to avoid or be immune from these attacks. 

It’s helpful to understand that this is a cybercrime operation, and the cyber criminals really are going to work; it’s not a hobby.

There are certainly the opportunistic hackers that are kind of doing it for fun and entertainment, but for most organizations, you’re being targeted for financial gain of the people that are working. It’s a financially driven operation.

We know from the FBI, and the crime stats that the amount of revenue lost directly to financial fraud is pretty staggering. If you’re in a finance or operations role, you’ll notice that cyber liability insurance costs continue to get ratcheted up year-after-year. We are finally seeing this year that the cost increase associated with cyber liability insurance has finally started to level off a bit after having several years of 50% to 100% price increases. The actual cost of cyber liability insurance is going down. I actually had a client renew for less than they paid the previous year.

I think that’s still the exception rather than the rule, but cyber liability insurance providers are insisting on more and more serious and significant controls. But as a result, they’re also getting better results and having less payouts as a result of that. 

Also, financial audits continue to expand their scope. It’s not just the financial numbers that they’re looking at, but insofar as this is a cybercrime, they’re also concerned about financial risk associated with lack of IT controls. And so we’re also seeing audits extend into the IT control world to say, hey, how are you protecting your organization? How are you making sure that we’re not going to be victims of fraud?

The other thing that is new this year is really the ubiquitous access to artificial intelligence; the election, deep fakes, all the things that can be put into place in support of that to trick people into believing something. There was an AI likeness of a CFO that was actually used as part of a digital meeting to facilitate financial fraud. These things are moving out of sci-fi and into real life. 

Some of the traditional things that we have talked about in terms of how you can identify a scam email, may be poorly written. With how easy it is to go into ChatGPT and say, “Hey, write me a compelling fundraising email,” hackers are doing the same thing in order to create good copy to include in their messages. It just means we all need to be extra vigilant and continue to educate and look at additional solutions to help protect our organizations against that type of escalating fraud.

Cybersecurity Trends in 2023: Hackers

Carolyn Woodard: And I know we want to talk about some of the trends this year that we’ve seen.

Matthew Eshleman: There are a couple of new things that we identified in 2023, but there’s just massive amounts of generic and automated attacks. Adversaries are getting really good at using all the tools and automation to do this at scale. The volume and velocity of attacks continues to increase. We’ll see later in the data that spoofing and phishing attacks and even account compromise are still quite common, unfortunately.

In 2023, we saw some new technologies or new techniques being used by these hackers called Attacker-in-the-Middle or AitM, as a way to insert themselves between your computer and the destination website that you’re going to. Whether that’s Google Workspace or Microsoft 365, in order to steal not your password, but the little authentication token that is used to authenticate you as a user. That technique really contributed to a significant increase that we saw in compromised accounts, and had a pretty dramatic impact in the data that we saw.

Some other things that we saw with a lot greater frequency here in 2023 were the use of QR codes as a way to get organizations or an individual to move outside of an organization’s protected resource. The message that you get via email is pretty generic, but it has a QR code in it. If you scan the QR code with your phone, now all of a sudden instead of being on a protected work laptop, you’re on an unprotected or unmanaged phone and they’re going to ask you to log in with your credentials and that’s an opportunity for them to steal that access token. The use of QR codes as part of spear phishing messages was new. 

The other thing that we saw, and this was really focused on some of our public sector clients that are doing government or government adjacent work, is the phishing schemes became really complex, including several cases where we had individuals that are clients interacting with adversaries that were inviting them to in-person meetings or conferences in D.C.

We had a case where somebody got an invite to go meet with some underlying government minister for lunch and they showed up, and there was nobody there. But they had the invite, they had the attachment with the talking points, and it’s all part of the ruse. When you boil it down, they’re trying to create an environment where you open up an attachment. That’s fundamentally what it comes down to. They incorporated a lunch meeting that was very close to the organization’s office. 

We had another case where a person was invited to a small conference at a hotel, again, in the area. The person followed up because they thought it looked suspicious, and the hotel said they had no record of this meeting being on their books.

So, again, hackers are being very creative in inventing scenarios to elicit a response. It just means that we need to continue to be vigilant and exercise good judgment when figuring out, “Why am I opening up this attachment? This seems kind of unusual,” and trusting our instincts there.

Carolyn Woodard: Exactly. One of the things that we’ve been talking about is that AI makes social engineering more realistic. It’s no longer the Nigerian prince who wants you to transfer some money to their account. It can be very, very realistic. Just keeping that suspicious outlook is one of the most important things. 

Cybersecurity Trends in 2023: Operations Response

Can you tell us more about these trends and what operations are trying to do to prevent it?

Matthew Eshleman: I touched on cyber liability insurance in regular audits and stronger controls. We do see that making a meaningful change for organizations. In the nonprofit space, investing in cybersecurity can seem like a daunting task. It requires additional financial investment, and if it’s not something an organization has to do they tend not to do it. So the fact that organizations are being required to make investments in their internal cybersecurity controls in order to be able to get cyber liability insurance, I view as a positive side effect, and it gives organizations a reason to invest. That’s a positive thing.

Audits are another reason why organizations are investing. They make that investment to require MFA, or that investment in additional security awareness training for staff, or pursuing endpoint detection and response technologies, or maybe even investing in a SIM, those are good steps for organizations to take. 

I’d like them to do it in the absence of that external higher cyber liability insurance premiums, but I view that as a good thing, even if it’s a little bit after the fact.

As we’ve talked about AI enabling new protections, it also enables new scams and these cons. Everything is just moving so quickly. It means you need to be all that more vigilant whenever making these evaluations.

On the good side of things, AI tools to improve security are not necessarily just being extra silo solutions that you need to add on. But vendors are really moving pretty quickly to add on additional capabilities within their existing toolset. And so, be patient and those improvements are going to come to tools that you already have. It is kind of an escalating arms race in terms of new and novel uses of AI tools to create new content and create new engagement, versus the tools that are designed to combat it.

We’ve seen that training and internal culture are still absolutely critical, and that’s why it’s still a foundational piece whenever we talk about cybersecurity. You get a really great return on investment of training and educating your staff. While you can do a lot and invest in tools, at the end of the day, they are technical and they’re also fallible. Things are going to get to your staff that make it through the best multilayered defense technology tools.

Engaging with your staff, training them, providing ways for them to interact with your IT or your security team, and creating a culture of learning as opposed to a culture of punishment and shaming is really important. That is why we say cybersecurity incidents are stuff that happens to everybody. And if you can be able to reflect that and say, “Hey, I looked at this. This looked weird or I clicked on it, and then I thought maybe it shouldn’t have,” talk to your IT team or partner as soon as you can as opposed to waiting until after the fact.

Landscape trends. I love to talk about policy and governance, right? That’s all really important. We cannot just drop in a technical solution and expect to solve all of our cybersecurity issues. It really involves the organizational element and the human element as well. 

And so all of those policies in handling our data, adapting and using AI tools, our incident response, what are the processes in place? Where do we put our incident response plan? All of those are important for an organization to have, because they’re going to be called on when you do have that security incident. 

And so, for the 2% that said they already had a cybersecurity incident, I hope those are in place. For the 98% that said, not this past year, your time is coming. It’s good to have those things in place, so that they’re available when you do need them.

Carolyn Woodard: I’m going to jump in and give a little plug for the May webinar that we’re doing. It’s going to be all about governance and policy documents. So if you have a policy that hasn’t been updated in a while or if you don’t have a policy and/or don’t know where to start to create one, we’re going to be talking about that in-depth in about a month. I hope you’ll come back and join us for that. 

Cybersecurity: Definitions/Lingo

I know also, Matt, there’s a lot of lingo around cybersecurity. So I think before we go to our next poll, we are going to talk about some of the definitions for some of the things we’re going to talk about.

Matthew Eshleman: Yes. Thank you for that. I kind of pride myself on even though I’m a techie, I think I do a pretty good job of not talking in jargon, but I think this is a good reminder just to have some definitions and make sure that we’re understanding the different concepts. 

One that we hear quite a lot in the cybersecurity world is MFA or multifactor authentication. If you’re in the Google world, it is sometimes referred to as 2SV or 2-step verification. But it’s this idea that we want to protect something that we know, which is your password. You know your password, along with something that you have, which is a multifactor authentication token. Sometimes that’s an app on your phone. It could be a physical security key. But the idea that there’s two steps to verify who you are, which means it’s harder for a hacker who is based somewhere else to get both of those things.

Multifactor authentication is a key piece around securing your digital identity. Single sign on is a concept that goes along with identity. So as we are now in this cloud first world, you no longer log in to the server and then have access to all the applications. Now we have our login for our email, our login for our file system, separate login for your voice over IP system, your CMS, your CRM, your ERP, right? 

What single sign on does is say, “Hey, instead of trying to manage an audit and report on the 50, 75, 100, 200 different logins that you have in order to access applications in your organization. Now we’re going to really strongly protect that in one.” So we’re going to have a really good password, a really good MFA system, and we’re going to track, monitor, and audit all of that identity so that we can grant you access to those 10, 15, 20, 50 applications that you need there.

We’ll see in the data that credentials, or identity, is really where a lot of the issues are. That’s your username and password that you use to log in to systems. Make sure that that is really well protected, because your digital identity is then used in so many other areas and can be used by the bad actors in order to ultimately commit financial crime. 

We have a fun new made up word, Smishing or text-based phishing. SMS combined with phishing gives us smishing. These are the things that we’re seeing a lot. I am getting a ton of these text messages. And they range from kind of pretty obvious, like, hey, click on this link to authorize this package.

Also, we’re seeing a little bit more long-term or long play campaigns where it may first appear like just somebody mistyped a contact, like, “Oh, are you Kevin?” But then the person will begin to interact, build confidence, and then use that as a way to say, “Oh, well, I need help, or can you click on this or open this for me?” And so, again, the best answer is just to delete those messages.

Spoofing, that’s whenever we’ve got messages that are appearing to come from somebody or the obfuscation of that sender, typically showing up as your Executive Director. 

We have Ransomware. And while this tends to be pretty prevalent in the news, it tends to be focused really on traditional on-premises networks. So that’s when an on-premises network will be compromised and data encrypted. And then the threat actors are holding your data for ransom. MGM had a big case, it causes tremendous impact to businesses.

In the cloud-based, cloud first network, this is much less of a risk than it is if organizations have traditional server infrastructure where the risk is much, much more significant. 

Threat actor is a generic term for a hacker. All these terms are pretty much interchangeable, all leading to wire fraud,which is a federal crime. If you’re a victim of this, it’s something you can report to the FBI. And that’s basically financial crime that occurs over the Internet or electronic means.

And then we’ve got the QR code. Funny looking thing, but basically a way to generate a complex link. These things are everywhere, but also the threat actors are using them to get you to click on links. 

And then finally, a malware browser pop-up. I’ll talk about this a little bit in the data as well, but this is part of a social engineering attack. It’s when something pops up and all of a sudden it’s claiming you have a virus or your computer’s under threat and it’s being encrypted and you need to call this number or not close your computer. It’s just messaging, right? But it really creates that sense of panic.

And again, the easiest thing to do is just close the tab and it’ll go away, but it can really lead to wire fraud and other cases of financial fraud.

Carolyn Woodard: I have a couple of friends whose parents have fallen for that. It really freaks you out to see that pop up, pop up. One friend’s mom called the number to get rid of this malware on her laptop. Of course, the number was the person who had put it there to begin with. And then they were, “helping her clean up her personal laptop.” I feel like I’ve seen it more recently.

Poll 2: If you ever had a cybersecurity incident that you know about at your organization, what kind did you have? 

  1. None, 
  2. Virus, 
  3. Malware, 
  4. A generic attack that wasn’t specific to your organization or you yourself. 
  5. Ransomware, and a ransom was demanded and/or paid. 
  6. Compromised account, so credentials were suspected or confirmed to have been hacked. 
  7. Business email compromise, your email is used to target others. So you know that it’s been compromised. 
  8. Advanced persistent threat, so that is precise and targeted. We sometimes see that with certain kinds of advocacy organizations or they’re working in countries where there is an advanced actor, foreign governments, state sponsored actors.
  9. Wire fraud. Money was sent to the hacker’s account. Somehow, they convinced you to click on something or change the bank numbers, or whatever it was. 
  10. Other, if you feel comfortable describing it, 
  11. and then not applicable. 

Matthew Eshleman: It looks like, again, a lot of folks saying no, with about 17% of respondents saying we had a virus or malware or some other device-based attack. A small percentage experienced ransomware and maybe even paid in cryptocurrency. 

A reasonable chunk here, about a quarter of folks had compromised accounts. About a quarter of folks have experienced business email compromise and spoofing. 

Again, a small percentage have experienced that advanced persistent threat, and I think that’s what we categorize as a state sponsored actor. They’re not necessarily looking for money. They’re looking for persistence and data and information about the organization, maybe the research. 7% of folks have experienced wire fraud. And again, I’m not surprised at that number.

I think from the hacker’s perspective, it’s a lot easier to scam you into sending them money than it is to deploy some sophisticated malware and get you to buy Bitcoin and then do all of that. So again, we’ve got a range of experiences, and I think we’ll see how that compares to the sample data that we have in our report here.

Carolyn Woodard: Someone did put in chat what had happened to them – that someone tested stolen credit card numbers via a Squarelink. And so they have now changed to PayPal, but were unhappy to find that Square tech support didn’t give them a lot of help when that attack was happening to them.